Microbial Cleaning and Disinfection
環境衛生管理のHYSIA > 事業紹介(改善対策一覧) > ウイルス 微生物制御 [工場環境改善/臭気対策(臭い検査,脱臭)/消毒殺菌]
The globalization of the economy and the increase in worldwide travel and cross-border logistics has increased the risk of product contamination or incidence of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria. We provide comprehensive support for the creation of clean environments, including facilities health and hygiene assessments, management processes, facilities maintenance, and sterilization and disinfection work.
Environmental Design

01 Programs for Normal Times and Emergencies
In normal times, we assess bacterial or viral infection risk in facilities and help establish processes for upgrading sanitary environments and reducing risk, thereby helping clients to establish a self-sustaining cycle of self-assessment and improvement.
In emergency situations, where outbreaks of infection are a concern, we help clients establish procedures for voluntary disinfection and set guidelines for those who carry out the disinfection work. We also provide guidance, training and supervision of disinfection work and supply missing protective equipment or disinfectant materials.
We have established a strong track record as a provider of COVID-19 prevention and protection services, particularly in facilities that fulfil a necessary social function, such as local government offices, banks, TV stations or newspaper publishers.
02 Creation of Facility Management Guidelines
On the basis that facilities management continues even against the backdrop of chronic infection risk, we assist clients in the creation of guidelines and assessment criteria to determine the feasibility of operating facilities in such circumstances and to enable the operation of facilities while minimizing risks.
Clean Room Sterilization
01 Clean Room Sterilization
We perform specialized cleaning and sterilization programs for facilities that require a sterile environment, such as clean rooms for pharmaceutical or precision equipment manufacturing facilities, dispensing rooms for pharmacies and operating theaters for hospitals. After implementation, we measure levels of surface-adherent and airborne bacteria to verify the effects of the treatment and assess the data. Our experienced experts carry out the work using proper equipment and following the appropriate procedures to eliminate the risk of secondary contamination.

Sterilization and Deodorization

01 Fungus (mold) Removal
Fungi can cause infectious diseases, and at the same time, they contaminate products at food manufacturing facilities and affect food quality. They can enter drug manufacturing plants and facilities as airborne particles. Since insects (psocoptera) feed on this fungus and can cause infestations, buildings and structures need to be insect resistant. Fungi adheres to walls and ceilings and grows hyphae (roots). As these hyphae become established, spores multiply and contamination spreads. In this situation, the contamination must be removed by spraying the mycelium with mold remover and the building concerned needs to be mold-proofed.
02 Environmental Improvements
Depending on environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity, or the type of fungus that is prevalent, we suggest measures such as improvements to the physical structure, adjustment of air conditioning and pressure, modifications to facility usage and changes in flow lines to establish an environment where mold is unlikely to occur.
Disinfection Work
01 Disinfection; Infection Prevention and Control
We carry out work related to infectious disease prevention, disinfection of facilities contaminated with bacteria or viruses and other services such as disinfection of vehicles. We primarily provide services in response to Type 4 infectious diseases which tend not be transmitted between humans (Hepatitis E, West Nile fever, hepatitis A, echinococcosis, yellow fever, parrot disease, avian flu). We do not provide services related to COVID-19, a Type 3 infection which can be passed on by humans, such as disinfection of facilities post-infection. In these situations, we can advise on disinfection techniques, help with disinfection manuals and guidelines, supply drugs and materials and assist with voluntary disinfection measures.

02 Sterilization and Deodorization
We carry out a thorough cleaning and deodorization procedure to eliminate the source of odors, including odors from animal droppings or from microorganisms such as fungi.
Other services
基礎断熱工法住宅の漏水事故で大発生した床下カビをオゾンで除菌 | 青森県 空調設備会社様【カビ対策 導入事例】
[青森県 空調設備会社様] 漏水事故で床下カビが大